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Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength

11 Jun, 2020
TAG: Acoustic Panels, Soundproof Panels, Acoustical Materials, Tiange Acoustics

On November 24, the 2019 theater building and stage technology and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay cultural venue construction Summit Forum was held in the experimental theater of Guangzhou Grand Theatre. As an expert member unit and one of the supporting units of the professional committee of theater building and stage technology of China Academy of stage art, Tiange acoustics was invited to attend the summit forum.

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-1

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-2

Famous experts from home and abroad in theater architectural design, stage process design, stage technology management, lighting, acoustics, machinery, etc. gathered together to discuss the reasonable design of performance space of cultural venues, stage process design, reasonable allocation of stage equipment, stage technology management and other issues, so as to provide suggestions for the construction of practical theatres.

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-3

A large number of venue construction examples, a large number of on-the-spot investigation photos of stage technology and hardware equipment of theatres around the world, and the first-hand practical experience of many professionals in the industry make the audience present reap a lot.

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-4

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-5

In this summit forum, a number of topics have been raised, among which, one of the topics is about acoustics, electric sound reinforcement, adjustable reverberation and other issues. It can be seen that the construction of a theater or any place requires the consideration of comprehensive sound, light, electricity and even more factors.

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-6

Then, Zou Bing, the acoustic designer of Tiange Acoustic decoration design institute, came to the stage to share the national standard of reverberation time, the requirements of background noise and the design process of theater construction sound, etc., and made a detailed analysis of the key points of theater construction sound design taking the construction sound design of Hunan Yongzhou Grand Theatre as an example.

As one of the acoustical material suppliers of the theater, Tiange acoustics, the overall solution provider of acoustic environment, also attended the forum with some acoustical decorative sound-absorbing materials independently developed, and discussed the new technology of acoustical materials and the development of architectural acoustics with professionals from all walks of life.

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-7

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-8

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-9

At the end of the forum, He Ying, general manager of Guangzhou Grand Theatre Management Co., Ltd. and Liang Xiqing, President of Guangdong Stage Art Research Association jointly announced the formal establishment and certificate issuance of the cultural venue construction and Management Committee of Guangdong dance art research association. Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its position and strength in the acoustic industry.

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-10

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-11

Xiaogang Huang, chairman of Tiange group and Louis Janssen, chairman of oistat

Tiange acoustics became one of the members by virtue of its strength-12

Xiaogang Huang , chairman of Tiange group, and Han Hongzhi, national first-class dance beauty design (sound design) of China National Theatre

An international forum with the participation of experts and scholars at home and abroad, a grand gathering of celebrities from various industries to discuss the game between theater architecture and stage technology. This forum will play a positive role in promoting the healthy construction and development of cultural venues in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and even the whole country.


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