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The 112th Startup Meeting of TianGe Acoustic

The 112th Startup Meeting of TianGe Acoustic

09 Mar, 2022
TAG: Acoustic Panels, Soundproof Panels, Acoustical Materials, TianGe Acoustic

In the spring of March, everything recovers. The land is full of life, and all the good things are worth waiting for! In this March, when the spring flowers are blooming and the grass is growing and the warblers are flying, TianGe Acoustic ushered in the 108th Startup Meeting.

The Flag Raising Ceremony

Enterprise development is closely related to national prosperity and national prosperity, and the growth of enterprises is inseparable from the support of national policies! Looking back on the development of TianGe Acoustic over the years, the development of TianGe Acoustic has benefited from the huge development opportunities brought by the reform and opening up to the enterprise. TianGe Acoustic always has a grateful heart, with patriotic feelings, integrity and law-abiding spirit, and insists on being a company with feelings and values.

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Corporate Culture Reading

TianGe Acoustic's mission: to create excellent Chinese acoustic products, to convey the sound of nature in the world, and to give people infinite care for hearing.

TianGe Acoustic's vision: to become a first-class overall solution provider for acoustic environment and create a happy life for all the company's staff.

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Corporate culture is the soul of an enterprise. Everyone should carefully understand the meaning of each word, summarize and review the past, position themselves with an empty cup mentality, do their job well, and use a new, best state and Appearance is a good spokesperson for the future of the company.

New Colleague Share

New employees are the hope for the future development of the enterprise, and the new force and reserve force for the development of the enterprise. There are growth opportunities everywhere in TianGe Acoustic, and infinite ways to shine are waiting for you to unlock. We hope you have ideals in mind, keep your feet on the ground, and always maintain a confident and open aura, with the courage to break boundaries, open up the future of TianGe Acoustic, and shape a wonderful life!

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Anniversary Sharing

[Colleague Huang's 5th Anniversary]

I have witnessed a lot in the past five years. From Mr. Huang, I deeply feel that "doing one's work, loving one's work", Mr. Huang participated in the second-level construction engineer vocational qualification certificate exam in his busy schedule, which is great! I learned from Ms. Li that "if you don't do it, you must do it to the extreme." I have been working in the company for five years from an intern who just graduated. I have changed from a person who can't speak well to someone who can speak well. I hope more and more people will join TianGe and grow with TianGe Acoustic.

[Colleague Hu's 3th Anniversary]

Congratulations to myself for passing the "three-year mellow fragrance" stage of the company's liquor culture. I look forward to having more three years to grow with the company and witness the development of the company. Last year, the company's reading culture benefited me a lot, stimulated my enthusiasm for learning, and improved my professional skills through continuous learning.

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[Colleague Zhang's 1th Anniversary]

I like TianGe's family culture very much. In the future work, I will work hard, keep my curiosity about my profession, keep learning, do my job well, and become a qualified professional.

[Colleague Wang's 1th Anniversary]

Time is flying fast, and it has been a year since I entered the TianGe Acoustic without knowing it. Thanks to the leaders for cultivating us carefully, and thanks to this group of TianGe family who love life and work together, grow up and work hard together, thank you!

Each team manager led the team members to take the oath, "military order" signing and drinking ceremony in turn, and the momentum of TianGe Corps lingered throughout the TianGe Acoustic Marketing Center. The magnificent momentum represents the firm confidence of TianGe sales elites in completing the goal of this competition. The normalization of the epidemic, the future is full of uncertainties, the only certainty is yourself, the self that is constantly improving, work hard, because the harder you work, the luckier you will be. Concentrate on fighting and sprinting to complete the goal!

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Chairman Huang Encouraged

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Ten conventions of TianGe Acoustic:

1. Do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, and use the original intention and mission to drive self and team development.

2. Personal interests are subject to team interests, and team interests are subject to company interests; short-term interests are subject to long-term interests.

3. The subordinates obey the superiors, and the departments at the same level cooperate with each other; all actions obey the command of the superiors.

4. Consensus before decision-making, 100% resolute implementation after consensus, 100% responsible for results.

5. Study hard, all work makes way for study, everything has room for improvement.

6. Seek truth from facts and give feedback in a timely manner, oppose personal emotional handling of problems, actively discuss problems at the meeting, and oppose negatively handling problems after the meeting, and take quick and effective problem solving as the first responsibility.

7. Keep promises, never make excuses and reasons.

8. Implement the company system and be strict with yourself.

9. Good news actively conveys the spirit of positive energy downwards, and bad news actively feeds back upwards, and proposes solutions.

10. Be proud of the company's cultivation of high-efficiency talents, ashamed of leaving loss-making employees for the company, and absolutely obey the cross-departmental deployment of the company's talents.

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