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TianGe Acoustics was awarded the honor of "Caring Group" and "Caring Enterprise"

TianGe Acoustics was awarded the honor of "Caring Group" and "Caring Enterprise"

18 Jan, 2022
TAG: Acoustic Panels, Soundproof Panels, Acoustical Materials, TianGe Acoustics

Philanthropy is a public cause, and it is also the embodiment of each of us and our corporate social responsibility. At this stage, in the period of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, TianGe Acoustics actively participates in epidemic prevention and control to help people's health. In this regard, TianGe Acoustics donated 20,000 masks to the Guangdong Lions Club. At the same time, the company's internal employees actively donated a total of more than 4,000 yuan, which really helped the epidemic prevention and control and other social welfare undertakings. At the donation ceremony, Foshan Disabled Persons' Federation awarded TianGe Acoustics the title of "Love Group" in recognition of TianGe Acoustics' loving actions.

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Recently, the Foshan Representative Office of Guangdong Lions Club actively cooperated with the Foshan Disabled Persons' Federation to carry out the tour activity of "Take a Snail for a Walk", and organized 300 persons with mental disabilities, persons with intellectual disabilities and disabled workers from the five districts of Foshan to participate in the event, let the disabled friends embrace the beauty of nature and feel the warmth of the big social family in the activity. TianGe Acoustics, with a sense of responsibility to return to the society, enthusiastically devotes itself to public welfare, and adds strength to the cause of helping the disabled. On the same day, it was commended by the Foshan Disabled Persons' Federation as a "Caring Enterprise". The event was reported live by many media including Foshan Public Channel.

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Award ceremony

It is understood that the public welfare activity "Take a Snail for a Walk" was initiated by the China Intelligence Association in 2016. It is an annual "brand project" of the Intelligence Association system. This year is the sixth year, and Foshan is also carrying out this activity simultaneously. In order to better unite the families of intellectually and mentally handicapped persons, relatives and friends in the five districts of Foshan, and to meet the requirements of the current epidemic prevention and control, the Foshan Disabled Persons' Federation has decided to join forces with the five districts of Chancheng, Nanhai, Shunde, Sanshui and Gaoming to carry out activities respectively.

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Huang Qifeng, President of the Foshan Disabled Persons' Federation, organized a walk with disabled friends

Why is this event called "Take a Snail for a Walk"? Zhao Ganxiang, vice chairman of the Foshan Disabled Persons' Federation, said, "Many disabled friends walk very slowly because of their physical defects. Although they are as slow as a 'snail', they never give up. This is the best interpretation of the spirit of our disabled friends."

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Hiking in activities

On December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the event came to the last stop - Nanhai Qiandeng Lake Station.

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Nanhai Branch Venue Activities

Some relatives of the disabled friends said: "In such a lively scene, when everyone walks together, the enthusiasm will be higher, the steps will be faster, and the distance will be longer." Another disabled friend said: "I used to live in seclusion, I haven't tried walking with so many people, I'm really moved, I feel that I am also a collective person."

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Volunteers awarded medals to disabled friends and encouraged disabled friends to complete the walking activity

Telephone/Whatsapp: +86-17322789466

Email: fstiange@gmail.com

TianGe Acoustics Address: Xinli Building, Lihe Road, Lishui Town, Nanhai Distric, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China.


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